Lord High School (OR) Support

Changing jadmin password

To edit jadmin password, the following 2 commands must be input in the terminal app. The jadmin password cannot be changed via the user prompts with mouse and keyboard.

  1. Log in as jadmin

  2. Open a terminal

  3. Run the command sudo su

  4. Run the command echo 'jadmin:NEWPASSWORDHERE' | chpasswd

  5. Run the command sudo rm ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring

Removing the maternity app

To remove the maternity app:

  1. Log in as jadmin

  2. Open a terminal

  3. Run the command sudo flatpak uninstall com.endlessm.maternity.en -y

Additional Information

Find additional helpful Tutorials and Guides about the World Possible Securebook and Endless OS at World Possible Justice Documentation.

Need Additional Help? Contact us!

Michael Dryden - michael@worldpossible.org

Paige Coleman - paige@worldpossible.org